Well, there’s good news and there’s bad news. That’s what the vet said today as his slid an x-ray of Mischief’s tummy up to the light, and a striking white “foreign body” appeared somewhere in his intestines. Obviously, if you hadn’t already guessed, the kitty didn’t get better like we hoped he would. The vomiting continued despite a full round of antibiotics and several days of very bland cat food. He was continuously hungry, yet he couldn’t keep anything down, so I called the vet and brought him back in. I figured it had to be something more since the meds didn’t do the trick, but this? I just wasn’t expecting to see a “foreign body”, and I gotta admit, I’m curious as hell to find out what it is. And find out we will, as that mischievous little kitty is undergoing a $500.00!! surgery Wednesday morning to take whatever “it” is out. $500.00?? Yep, 500 big ones. But does she have that kind of dough you ask? Pffffffft, yeah right! Ug. No, but it just so happens that I went ahead and accepted another one of those “pre-approved, sign up now!” credit card offers last week because my others have been maxed out since we got the (still unsold) Durango back. I was feeling increasingly uneasy about my lack of a safety net or emergency “just incase” stash, and appropriately so it seems. Had I not accepted the offer when I did, I’d be screwed BIG TIME! But alas, this too shall pass. As long as the kitty recovers and Em and I don’t lose our beloved furry family member, then that’s all that really matters. Anyway, I’ll update about the outcome as soon as possible. But in the meantime, send some good vibes Mischief’s way on Wednesday, will ya? We’ll take all we can get.
Also, FYI, Em will be going to the county Spelling Bee on February 24th. I just treated it as though backing out was not an option and really built up the positives. She’s not happy about it, but she does accept it, so hopefully she can get excited or at least motivated to try her very best. She’ll be nervous as hell, but I do believe it will be good for her to experience and hopefully learn to overcome this widely held fear.
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