Em's nails. New chick actually wanted her to go longer but Em refused due to her keen sense of practicality, smart girl.
Stay tuned for sooooo much more. After all, what's a typical southern, redneck, white trash Thanksgiving without a little drama? No, let me clarify, what's a Thanksgiving with Bub without drama? Feeling almost unbearably nostalgic for holiday celebrations of my childhood in CA...
OMG. I'm almost speachless. And Longer??? At least she didn't come home with a gypsy shag perm in her hair complete with highlights.
Can't wait to hear the rest of the story....
Wow...I too am speechless. Wow.
uh, wow. At least thay're not bright red with rhinestones...
I wonder if she'll find the length irritating when she tries to write or draw. I do when my nails get too long.
cotton candy pink...I shouda known! How is she feeling about them?
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