Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The prodigal kitty returns!

Whiskers has come back to us and has even shared with us the whereabouts of her hidden babies. We've determined that it was either that damn lawnmower or the menacing neighbor dog nosing around her litter that prompted Whiskers to move her kittens to a more secure location under the bushes in front of our house. Either way, we now know that they are safe and that she intends to stick around for a while. We've also decided to expedite our original plans and move both momma and babies into the house after a visit to the Vet tomorrow afternoon. We still intend to give up the kittens once they've weaned at six weeks, but we'd just feel better keeping them safely in the house until that time arrives. I wonder if mother cats mourn the loss of their kittens in a similar way to humans and our children? I'm worried that taking her babies away will affect her negatively and cause her to feel pain for the loss of her children. Or does the care she provides them now derive from her deeply embedded instinct, and once the kittens are no longer with her, will she be able to pick up like they never existed? I know it may be silly to worry about such things, but if they feel anything like we do for our own children, then how could I possibly allow such a thing to happen? Oh, what's that? My heart on my sleeve? Yea, I need to do something about that! ;)

Well, my daughter is having her weekly playdate right now, and the girls are all quietly watching the new Muppet movie. In all honesty, my daughter would be perfectly content playing the entire time of their visit together, but it seems her friends don't get the opportunity to watch many children's' movies, so she is being a gracious young hostess and obliging their requests. A feat I am quite proud of and must remember to praise her for once they've gone for the day. She has a hard time remembering that not everyone likes to do only the things she wants, being an only child who is not accustomed to having to compromise with other children on a regular basis. But it is something we've been working on and it's starting to show. She really is a good kid, albeit headstrong and difficult at times, (what kids aren't?) but overall, she is the light of my life and I try to make sure to tell her so every single day. If nothing else, she knows without a doubt, that she is loved. A feeling I believe every child has the right to be secure in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beverly, if there is a way you can keep them until 8 weeks, that's much better for them both physically and socially in their new homes. If there is any way you can make sure that the owners will spay and neuter them, that would be great. Cat overpopulation is a huge problem everywhere. Also, your mama cat can go into heat anytime now, even while nursing so please make sure she's spayed as soon as possible after she's weaned. To help her dry up, limit (but don't eliminate!) her water and feed her cheaper quality food. Both those things help stem the flow of milk production. A vet associated with a humane society often is more used to spaying a cat that's had kittens than a private practice vet who often insists on a fully dried up cat. If the cat does become pregnant, you can still get her spayed, although it costs a bit more. Thanks for taking her in, by the way. :-)

1:40 PM  

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