Well, Bub just called. Apparently my MIL just bypassed me completely and called him (at work) to invite herself and my FIL to spend the night with us for Thanksgiving. Of course he said okay without checking with me first 'cause, well... that's his mother, and it's not like I could have said no anyway, 'cause, well... that's his freakin mother! This is precisely why I made the point to tell her dinner would be early enough for them to drive back home by a reasonable hour in our previous conversation (see post below). Ugh. Well, if I wasn't depressed before, now I truly am. Yippy. Okay, off to pout and sulk now... >:(
i'm sorry. i hate spending time with my in-laws as well. grrr! and not even clearing with you, even if you can't say no, double grrr! hang in there!
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