Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Yep, it was that damn Christmas tree. The cat ate a light in his desperate attempt to free himself from it's confines during the now infamous "Christmas Tree Incident". Well, not the actual light, but the little plastic/metal thing that holds the light and attaches it to the wires. Apparently this thing has been bouncing around in his tummy for the last two months and finally got stuck in his intestines when he tried to pass it. Everyone at the vet's office was taking bets on what this crazy looking green thing could be, but as soon as I saw it, I knew. Oy vey. The surgery went well, with no complications as of yet, and the mischievous little kitty is now home and more lively than he's been in weeks! Not only that, but was absolutely famished last night and prowling relentlessly for anything and everything remotely edible. He hasn't been able to hold anything down for a week and a half, and then with the anaesthesia he wasn't allowed to eat until this morning, poor guy! But now his tummy is full and can actually digest normally, so all is well and he's resting comfortably.

Now for some fun, thanks Alex, what a cool idea!

Create your own Friend Quiz here

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Well, there’s good news and there’s bad news. That’s what the vet said today as his slid an x-ray of Mischief’s tummy up to the light, and a striking white “foreign body” appeared somewhere in his intestines. Obviously, if you hadn’t already guessed, the kitty didn’t get better like we hoped he would. The vomiting continued despite a full round of antibiotics and several days of very bland cat food. He was continuously hungry, yet he couldn’t keep anything down, so I called the vet and brought him back in. I figured it had to be something more since the meds didn’t do the trick, but this? I just wasn’t expecting to see a “foreign body”, and I gotta admit, I’m curious as hell to find out what it is. And find out we will, as that mischievous little kitty is undergoing a $500.00!! surgery Wednesday morning to take whatever “it” is out. $500.00?? Yep, 500 big ones. But does she have that kind of dough you ask? Pffffffft, yeah right! Ug. No, but it just so happens that I went ahead and accepted another one of those “pre-approved, sign up now!” credit card offers last week because my others have been maxed out since we got the (still unsold) Durango back. I was feeling increasingly uneasy about my lack of a safety net or emergency “just incase” stash, and appropriately so it seems. Had I not accepted the offer when I did, I’d be screwed BIG TIME! But alas, this too shall pass. As long as the kitty recovers and Em and I don’t lose our beloved furry family member, then that’s all that really matters. Anyway, I’ll update about the outcome as soon as possible. But in the meantime, send some good vibes Mischief’s way on Wednesday, will ya? We’ll take all we can get.

Also, FYI, Em will be going to the county Spelling Bee on February 24th. I just treated it as though backing out was not an option and really built up the positives. She’s not happy about it, but she does accept it, so hopefully she can get excited or at least motivated to try her very best. She’ll be nervous as hell, but I do believe it will be good for her to experience and hopefully learn to overcome this widely held fear.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Em won her school spelling bee on Tuesday. She didn’t want to win because she hates to get up in front of a lot of people, especially if there’s a chance of her getting embarrassed somehow. But she did it, and now she must face the upcoming county spelling bee. Naturally she’s desperately trying to talk her way out of it, but I think it would be good for her and I don’t think I should let her back out of it now. Plus, it’s not like she doesn’t want to be praised for her accomplishments, she likes the competition and always strives to be the best at whatever she does. She just has a pretty good case of stage fright and would rather not do things so publicly. Hmmm, this is a tough one, should I continue to reinforce the good things about this and not allow backing out as an option? Or should I consider that she just might not be up to something like this? Any opinions would be certainly be greatly appreciated. BTW, I also wanted to mention that my highly gifted nephew (my brother’s son) also won his own school spelling bee. He’s eight and in the third grade rather than the fourth like Em, but wouldn’t it be funny if they ended up competing with each other? Oy vey!

Well, Bub was offered his job back yesterday and he took it. So no moving away (bummer) but at least he’ll be a little easier to deal with now that this added stress has been alleviated for the time being. I also totally get why his boss offered to take him back, although I truly feel bad for the guy. See, he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. Bub honestly is good at what he does, and he’s a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to puter stuff, so if it weren’t for his horrendous work habits and narcissistic personality, he might actually make a very valuable employee. But the pickins are pretty slim when it comes to qualified people who are willing to work in Jim’s price range, so he’d have to hire a couple of people with a lot less experience just to do what Bub is capable of. It’s a trade off, he has work that needs to be done now, and he doesn’t have the time or resources it would take to find, hire, and train more people to take over Bub’s job. The bottom line is, it’s a business decision. Jim must keep the money coming in uninterrupted, so for now, that means having to put up with Bub in all his vindicated glory. And believe me, Bub knows he has all the power now, which of course, has gone straight to his already inflated head. I just have to wonder how much longer this can possibly go on?

In other news, our poor little kitty has been terribly ill for the last few days. Poor guy, if it’s not one thing it’s another. He started vomiting over the weekend and was unable to keep anything down at all. So we took him to the vet on Monday where he got two shots in the butt and a 10-day round of antibiotics. The vet called it an undefined illness, meaning no bowel obstruction or real evident cause of the problem, although I did catch the mischievous little kitty drinking out of the toilet, so we assume that was most likely the culprit. I was relieved to hear that there was no obstruction since my mind had already conjured up all sorts of ideas that perhaps the Christmas tree incident really had caused some sort of internal damage. But alas, he is finally starting to feel better, and has even been able to eat a little yesterday and today.

Okay now, I have a confession; I have “issues” with peanut butter. I know, I know, they say a little peanut butter is good for you, y’know, good fats and all that jazz. But the emphasis here is on a little bit, and for someone like me, well…y’all know how that goes. So what’s a struggling former fat chick to do? Well, I either have to cut it out completely, which neither Em nor I would be happy with, or I search for acceptable alternatives. I am a huge believer in alternatives such as fat free butter spread, (great for baked potatoes, rolls, etc.) sugar free syrup, fat free Miracle Whip, (good for tuna salad) fat free or low fat sour cream, (also good for baked potatoes and tacos) sugar substitutes, low fat cheeses such as Kraft 2% American slices and 2% sharp shredded cheddar, low cal bread and low carb tortillas, etc etc. So naturally, I set out to find an alternative for this fat filled, heavenly creamy delight because I’ve discovered that a spoonful of the stuff makes my morning oatmeal oh soooooooo good, YUM! And here’s what I found; Peanut Wonder. 100 calories for 2 tbsp and only 2.5 grams of fat vs. 190 cal for 2 tbsp and 16 grams of fat for the real stuff. Now, don’t get me wrong, like other alternatives, it definitely does not taste the same as the real stuff, however, my objective here is to find something acceptable rather than just as good because they so seldom are. And this is definitely acceptable in my book. It’s not so great on it’s own, which is kind of a good thing for me since I won’t be tempted to just dig into the jar with a spoon, but it is excellent in my oatmeal as well as the peanut butter banana smoothie I made this morning. So far those are the only things I’ve tried it with, and have yet to perform the ultimate taste test, which is, of course, making a PB&J sammich for Em. I don’t plan on telling her about the change, I’ll just try it out on her and wait for a reaction. If there is none then we’re all set, and I can forego buying anymore of the real stuff. So wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed that she likes it, otherwise I may have to rely on my fledgling (of late) willpower, and I don’t even want to go there.

Friday, January 12, 2007

It’s the busy season with my church lady work, so even though I’ve been working on this post all week, I have yet to get it posted until now. It would seem that I would have extra time considering how my second job hasn’t had any work for me all week, ug. This happens every once in a great while, when they are between contracts and don’t have anything for us to do. Typically it doesn’t last very long, maybe a day or two, but this time has been the worst, and quite frankly couldn’t have happened at a worse time. This job only pays for hours worked, no holiday pay or anything, and if the people I’m calling aren’t available, then there’s no point of me calling. So, with the Christmas and New Years holidays, plus the fact that the people I’m supposed to be calling are higher-ups and typically take the days leading up to said holidays off, I’ve been pretty much screwed with regard to getting my normal hours in. And the way our pay periods work, those days plus the first half of this week of almost no work, all happen to fall within the same paycheck, goody. The silver lining is that I’m sure I would have been overwhelmed trying to work my normal hours plus trying to deal with the craziness of church lady busy season right now. So I’ll just be grateful for that and try not to think about my dismal upcoming paycheck from the other guys. One way or another, I’ll make it work, I’m sure of it.

Anyway, on to other news. Get this, simply because we’re now a two person household, and I took on a second part time job that allows me to just make ends meet, I technically make about $300.00 more a year than the allowable annual income it takes for Em to qualify for state health insurance. Obviously, since I’m rolling in the dough now, I should be able to afford private health insurance, right? Puhleeeeeze! Just to be clear, she hasn’t actually been turned down yet or anything, I was just filling out the annual renewal forms, and realized that we no longer technically qualify. Hopefully, since I haven’t been making “the big bucks” (rolls eyes) for a full year, they’ll take that into account when assessing my income. Sheesh. Y’know, I could expound on my views of this country’s extensive shortcomings with regard to medical coverage, prescription drug costs, etc. but I’m honestly not in the mood, so I won’t.

No new tirade from Bub to his boss yet, he probably waited too long and lost his oomph. Bummer, I was so hoping to see what might come next. Oh well, I’ll keep you updated if he ever gets around to it. Speaking of Bub, (oh come on, ya’ll know he’s the never-ending fodder for any of my truly noteworthy blog topics, otherwise each post would consist of kitty tales and fourth grade drama) he called me to feel me out on how agreeable I’d be to keeping up his unlimited access to Em, were he to move away for a job. No, not out of state, (sigh) just not in the same town since there’s not much opportunity here. He wanted to know how far I’d be willing to drive (since I’m the only one who can) several times a week because he’s not willing to just be a “weekend dad”. Not that she’d be real interested in visiting him several nights a week after the initial excitement wore off, or that he’d routinely pull himself away from his computer games or whatever else floats his boat in the same regard, but he just wants to make sure the opportunity is there, and that I’m not going cause problems for him. He needed reassurance that I would be willing to do whatever it takes to allow him the illusion of his father of the year worthiness. So sure Bub, do what you need to do, I’m more than willing to do whatever it takes to make it work, I say as I secretly calculate how long it might take for him to settle into the new norm of a semi long distance relationship with his daughter. ;D I go along, the epitome of a cooperative ex-spouse, because I know what I can expect out of him, and I know that it can only work to my and Em’s advantage in the long run. So he’s appeased, I’m confident, and all is well. Not that there’s an actual job offer or anything, he just wanted to know where I stand before an opportunity presented itself. That’s his way, needing to evaluate and plan out every single aspect of any given, or possible situation, no matter how long it takes. Which is, by far, one of the things I miss least about living with him. Hmmm, would that imply that there are things I miss? Ummmmm, NO! :) Anyway, times like this (when we still lived there), with his impending termination or whatever other crisis was prevalent at the moment, were absolute hell. Every single day held never-ending “discussions” about even the most miniscule aspect of the problem. And if there were even a hint of my not being on the same page, or lack of appropriate responses, or ideas or opinions, then dear god, I can’t even describe it. I’m not sure I can adequately articulate the pure joy and relief I feel when I think about what this past year would have been like for Em and I, had I not gotten us the hell outta there. And to this day, I have a hard time believing that it wasn’t too long ago that I had every intention of staying in that situation indefinitely simply because I didn’t think it was possible or acceptable to get out of it. I was going to spend the rest of my life (or his) with that miserable, miserable man. What the hell was I thinking? There are no answers, I know. It’s just part of the devastating cycle that an emotionally (or otherwise) abusive relationship affords. It makes no sense, unless of course, you’ve lived it. But even then, it boggles the mind.

Alright, alright, church ladies await. And it’s about damn time I get this thing posted anyway! :D

Monday, January 08, 2007

The new do!

Alright, alright, alright, here's the new do. Happy now?? ;D Just kidding, you know I'm just clamoring to be lavished with compliments on my smart new look! But I'll settle for "not too shabby, eh?". I'm definitely enjoying the shorter hair, and I can't imagine ever letting it grow long again, what a pain! Of course, that would mean hauling my carcass to the hair salon and shelling out some hard wrought dough more than once a year, so maybe we'll just see about that. Cheap? Me? Naaaaaah! Anyhoo, not much in a rambling mood so I'll cut this one short. But stay tuned, Bub has promised a highly entertaining response to Jim's termination letter. Oooooh, ya'll know you can't wait to see what else he could possibly have to say!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well hot diggity dog, it’s a brand new year! I’ve definitely been overly reflective the past few days, just re-hashing my experiences of 2006 over and over in my head. My what a year it’s been! Y’know, this time last year, I was utterly hopeless. I honestly thought there was no way out of my personal hell. I didn’t even think I could let myself ponder the idea of a life without Bub because it was simply impossible to realistically fathom in my mind. And now, one year later, my entire existence has changed. I am no longer hopeless, I am hopeful. I have a future to look forward to, a real honest to goodness future. Sure, with a few extra pounds to take back off, but a wide-open future nonetheless. I couldn’t have even imagined as much a year ago. And now I am living it. Unbelievable.

Well let’s see, a lot has happened over the last few days… I cut my hair, SHORT, I went to see a grown up movie all by myself (The Pursuit of Happiness), Em and I went to my brother and sil’s house to celebrate New Year’s, and Bub finally got fired (for real this time). Hmmm, where should I start? First, my hair. It’s unbelievably thick and had gotten much too long to be manageable, so I went in and got it all whacked off. Ahhhh, what a relief! It’s shorter than I’ve ever had it, and I LOVE it! Em hates it, but hey, it ain’t her damn hair! And it’s not like I was doing it for looks, it was all about convenience and what I like, by golly!

I got to see a grown up movie because Em spent the entire day with Bub on Saturday. He was having some friends from out of town visit that she hasn’t seen in a long time, so they hung out together all day. I spent the day doing whatever I pleased, including getting my haircut and seeing this really excellent movie. It was definitely nice to have the time to myself, especially knowing that Bub would probably be on good behavior, not wanting to show his true colors in front of guests. That’s one of the main reasons why Em wanted to go; she knew he’d be nice to her all day. How sad.

New Year’s was a blast, and I think we’ll probably make spending it with my bro. & sil a tradition. I kind of invited myself over, but my sil had the same idea was going to invite us anyway, so it all worked out. They live about 30 min. away, so we just planned to spend the night in order to stay off the roads after midnight. My brother made smoked chicken in the new smoker our mom and stepdad got him for Christmas, and it turned out quite tasty! Then we vegged while the kids played endlessly until we almost missed the big moment. We were kinda late getting everything set up, so the stroke of midnight ended up being kind of anti-climatic because we were still in the midst of unwrapping poppers, horns, and glow bracelets. Oh well, the kids could care less, as long as they got to dance and party, they were happy as larks. We stayed up late, slept in late and my sil made a big country breakfast (well, brunch actually) after we all got up. And I do mean BIG! Then we vegged some more, staying far longer than I had intended, but the kids were playing and it’s not like I had to be home for anything (or anyone, heehee!).

Now, for Bub’s newest drama. It’s such a long, complicated story that I’m not even sure where to begin. Hmmm, let’s do the Reader’s Digest version, shall we?? After the last time he thought he was fired, they somehow managed to renegotiate to where he was working as a contract employee on site, and that's what he has been doing ever since. He’s always had problems with his boss because… well, he’s Bub’s boss, and Bub simply can’t stand to be under anyone else’s control. He is, after all, all knowing and all-powerful, right? Anyway, his boss, Jim, needed to cut costs and sent out the following memo to all employees, Bub included:

Company Memo: Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 5:37 AM

From: Jim

This week we started coming in at 9:00 am and leaving at 5:00pm.There are several reasons for this:

-Everyone gets to miss the morning traffic rush.
-Everyone gets to take their time in the mornings getting around - eliminating the morning rush to get ready and be here at 8:00am
-And last but not least the company saves money.

We don't have the - Cash Cow - we had before Christmas in the heavy ark duck sales. This sacrifice is necessary to help keep the company afloat. Everyone is to get here at 9:00am sharp - take a full hour for lunch - if you come back early from lunch that is OK but you won't get paid for the extra time - the most anyone will be paid for is 7 hours per day - so you might as well enjoy the full lunch hour.

Starting this new year clocking in and out in advance will not be accepted. When you get up to leave for lunch or you are going home clock out at that time.

Keep personal phone calls to a minimum if you have personal business to attend to - clock out - go out side and do your calling or take care of your personal business at your morning break or evening break - Taking care of your business on company time is not acceptable....

I enjoy my job here and I'm sure everyone else does. For us to make this company work, -- efficiency is necessary - We must squeeze the most out of every minute and every hour we are here - to make things happen for the company. It is what feeds us - pays our rent and in general pays the bills - The company has bills to pay and if we don't pay them then we are not going to have our jobs here because the company will cease to exist. This is a team effort.
What I'm trying to say is - work hard - be meticulous about each task you are working with - always do the best you can and you and the company will prosper together.


This, apparently, didn’t sit too well with Bub, so he fired back, per his nature. Keep in mind, Jim is the OWNER of this company.


When I spoke with you tuesday you lied to me and told me there was nothing to worry about. You said that this company was financially stable. This email does not say financially stable. You also told me the hour change was temporary and led me to believe it would be for a short time only. This emails sounds more permanant. The first couple of weeks after christmas is when everyone needs the pay they depend upon. For people who live on a weekly budget that is very important. I am sure that everyone here is going to suffer greatly because you didn't have the forsight to tell us before christmas that our hours were going to be cut. I don't believe for one second that you didn't know how the budget looked at that time. For someone who claims to always be looking 10 steps ahead this seems very sudden. I don't buy it. If you are having money trouble you should be honest about that. Telling us that you are cutting hours because of traffic or us getting to sleep in is BS. You are cutting hours because you need to financially. That is the simple truth. Don't try to make it sound like more than it is. Don't try to fill us full of crap. When you need more time out of us we have given it. Especially heather and sharo. Now that you are having problems you just decided to take money from our pockets and you expect us to be ok with that. I don't know how they feel, but I am outraged. If i wanted to work part-time I would find a part-time job. So for you to do that and then try to tell me you are thinking of me is offensive. You changed my hours this week on my timesheet. As a contractor you cannot do that. In fact, i must point out that our contract says that my hours are at my discretion not yours. I was going along with the hour cutbacks to try to be a team player but you sticking your hand in my pocket is just not going to work. When the server was down I stayed here late and then went home and called those people over and over off the clock. I have always tried to help you out. So, for you to do stuff like this is rediculous. I am letting you know right now that I am putting my resume back out on the market. I won't have people callilng you because frankly I don't know what you would tell them and I am not willing to risk it. But, as soon as I have an alternative job source I will be leaving. I realize that by responding with my honest opinion I am probably signing my own pink slip. So, let me remind you that if hearing my honest opinion makes you feel like you can no longer employ me, then please remember that our contract states that you must give me 30 days notice before termination. Now let me be quite honest about something. The rest of your company memo sounded like you were accusing us of being wasteful with our time. That along with the speach you gave ronnie yesterday about wasting cadilacs indicates to me that you think things arent working becaue we are not working hard enough. That is just not true. Ronnie and I bust our asses to deal with the BS that you cause. We try to get things done timely but with you managing us there is no way to do that. Until you turn managment of this department over to some one who understantds the technology and how to be efficient you will always have these problems. You don't know how to manage people. and you don't understand the technolgy of the internet and how to use it. Don't try to make us the scapegoat for your mistakes. I have reccommended against many of the things that you have done that have cost the company a lot of money. But as always, you do what you want to do. So now, as you have stated in the past, it is on you. Things are going badly and you have only you to blame.

Signed Robert

(Dude, seriously, the spellchecker is our friend!)

And now, Jim’s response. He broke Bub's email down and his responses are in bold.

Letter of Termination


When I spoke with you tuesday you lied to me and told me there was nothing to worry about.
First mistake -You don’t call me a liar and still work for me.

You said that this company was financially stable. This email does not say financially stable.
That is your interpretation

You also told me the hour change was temporary and led me to believe it would be for a short time only. This emails sounds more permanant.
Again, that is your interpretation

The first couple of weeks after christmas is when everyone needs the pay they depend upon. For people who live on a weekly budget that is very important. I am sure that everyone here is going to suffer greatly because you didn't have the forsight to tell us before christmas that our hours were going to be cut.
Had you rather lose one hour a day or your entire job. Sometimes cut backs are necessary - especially in slow times.

I don't believe for one second that you didn't know how the budget looked at that time. For someone who claims to always be looking 10 steps ahead this seems very sudden. I don't buy it.
It really doesn’t matter whether you buy it or not.

If you are having money trouble you should be honest about that. Telling us that you are cutting hours because of traffic or us getting to sleep in is BS. You are cutting hours because you need to financially.
I am cutting hours because it saves the company a lot of money each month, therefore avoiding problems in the future before they happen.

That is the simple truth. Don't try to make it sound like more than it is. Don't try to fill us full of crap.
Missing the traffic and sleeping in - I pointed out - that those things were some of the benefits.
You, Sharo and Ronnie have trouble waking up and being here on time consistently - Heather is the only one that is never late. You over-slept twice in the past two weeks. Once until 10:30 am and when you do come to work half the time you are only half awake from working on your own projects far into the night.

When you need more time out of us we have given it. Especially heather and sharo. Now that you are having problems you just decided to take money from our pockets and you expect us to be ok with that. I don't know how they feel, but I am outraged.
If your so Outraged over losing one hour a day and if you need money so bad why did you take off - all day last Friday - by not working you cost yourself 7 hours – that’s more than an hour a day for a week. Obvious trying to be a big shot and stir up trouble was more important than the money you say you need so bad. And the 5 hours you missed from over sleeping was money you took out of your own pocket. All together you took 12 hours out of your own pocket. Sounds to me like someone trying to flex their ego rather than someone who needs the money.

If i wanted to work part-time I would find a part-time job. So for you to do that and then try to tell me you are thinking of me is offensive.
I was trying to help you keep your job by cutting expenses in slow times – it is very obvious you no longer want to work here.

You changed my hours this week on my timesheet. As a contractor you cannot do that.
You falsified your time sheet – According to your time sheet you did not go to lunch any days this past week but when I called the office Thursday Sharo said you and Ronnie were gone to Lunch - in fact Ronnie took lunch 3 times last week – all 3 days he was here - are you saying you did not go to lunch with him. Falsifying your time sheet is grounds for dismissal. You took a lunch break each and every day but did not show it on your time sheet.

In fact, i must point out that our contract says that my hours are at my discretion not yours.
Are you trying to tell me that you will work as many hours as you want to and I have no say in that – That I can’t cut back your hours if I need to - Your ego has really got the best of you.

I was going along with the hour cutbacks to try to be a team player but you sticking your hand in my pocket is just not going to work.
Not sticking my hand in your pocket, I’m just not paying you for
hours you did not put in.

When the server was down I stayed here late and then went home and called those people over and over off the clock. I have always tried to help you out. So, for you to do stuff like this is rediculous.
You have done some favors for me and I have provided you with a ride to and from work every day at no charge. That is over - if you get to work and get home for your next 30 days it will be on your own.

I am letting you know right now that I am putting my resume back out on the market. I won't have people callilng you because frankly I don't know what you would tell them and I am not willing to risk it. But, as soon as I have an alternative job source I will be leaving.
If you want me to pay you for the next 30 days you will also agree to work here for the next 30 days without leaving - that way you’re giving me 30 days and I’m giving you 30 days. And your right I could not in good conscious give you a good work report – Let me name some of the things that I see wrong with your work ethic. You come to work half the time with a sleep hang-over – you can’t function mentally at your best because either you didn’t get enough sleep or your health is giving you problems because of your eating disorders. When I walk back in your room half the time you are stretched out in the chair like you’re trying to take a nap – I’m probably only getting 20 or 30 hours out of the 40 I’ve been paying you for. Also here lately every time I come in the office or walk by your office you’re on the phone taking care of personal business on my time or talking with your ex-wife on my time. Like I said in my memo if you have personal business to take care of - do it on your own time – I don’t like paying you the kind of money I’m paying you to take care of your customers or your personal problems on my time.

I realize that by responding with my honest opinion I am probably signing my own pink slip. So, let me remind you that if hearing my honest opinion makes you feel like you can no longer employ me, then please remember that our contract states that you must give me 30 days notice before termination.
I always like to hear someone’s honest opinion however that does not include me allowing you to call me a liar or spew the BS you did in this email - I always do what I say - you’ll get your 30 days as long as you give the thirty days notice I was promised. I expect you to be a gentleman about this – I have already hired someone to do what you do – they work twice as fast - have as much or more experience and cost me a lot less money with a lot more productivity than your putting out.

Now let me be quite honest about something. The rest of your company memo sounded like you were accusing us of being wasteful with our time.
Not us – It’s You wasting time on the phone - putting down hours that you don’t work , coming to work half awake and conducting personal business on company time. Ronnie always puts in all he can do.

That along with the speach you gave ronnie yesterday about wasting cadilacs indicates to me that you think things arent working becaue we are not working hard enough. That is just not true. Ronnie and I bust our asses to deal with the BS that you cause.
I am the owner and I cause BS.

We try to get things done timely but with you managing us there is no way to do that.
That is true Ronnie does bust his ass while I see you half napping while he is busting his ass.

Until you turn managment of this department over to some one who understantds the technology and how to be efficient you will always have these problems.
I do not have to be a computer tech to see when something is not functioning or doesn’t look right - on the other hand if I don’t put my finger on it you can’t see it at all. You do not have the ability to manage this company if you did I would have had you doing it a long time ago. You say a job is complete and I have to have you redo it over and over again because you either can’t see the problem or you won’t check behind yourself thereby costing me twice what it would cost to have someone who could get it right the first time.

You don't know how to manage people.
Your right - I expect people to do right - very few do - Also I don’t allow any one to call me a liar – I expect them to show up for work on time- be mentality alert - put their best effort into their jobs – Take care of their business on their own time and have a positive attitude in the work place.

and you don't understand the technolgy of the internet and how to use it.
Your right that’s why I have an Internet business doing $300,000.00 a year and doubling every year.

Don't try to make us the scapegoat for your mistakes. I have reccommended against many of the things that you have done that have cost the company a lot of money.
Not money – time - It does take longer to do something right -and I don’t have time to explain every one of my decisions to you.

But as always, you do what you want to do.
I think as the owner of the company I have that right.

So now, as you have stated in the past, it is on you. Things are going badly and you have only you to blame.
The only thing going badly is I have a programmer with an inflated ego that wants to play big shot and call the shots. If you are that good you should be managing two or three corporations of your own - doing hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. Instead of working for someone that is doing that.

Signed Robert

Letter of Termination

This is your thirty day Notice - you are being terminated.

For Insubordination – Calling me a liar - being a negative influence on your fellow employees – wasting company time by doing your business on company time and falsifying your time sheet.

I don't believe the email I sent you is rude or crude - but it is informative. I tried to explain in a nice way that the company does not have the cash flow it had before Christmas and that a temporary cutback was necessary for the well being of the company as a whole.

I also explained that me changing the time from arriving to work at 8:00 am to 9:00am was for saving money – therefore taking a full hour for lunch was imperative to implementing the one hour savings needed to save that hour each day.

You have acted rudely and unprofessionally in response to the company Memo I sent everyone – While every one else responded very professionally. In so doing you have made me realize what a mistake it would be to keep you here and in so doing not only cost yourself more than the hour you were going to lose from the cutback but you have cost yourself - your job and have shown me what I have know all along - that depending on any one individual is bad business. I depended on you and trusted you and you pull this crap while I’m flat of my back in the hospital.

This notice of termination is presented to Robert *****
On: Tuesday 01-02-2007

OMG! I so thoroughly enjoyed this! Bub sent it to me because he was so proud of himself for putting Jim in his place. Can he not even see what the man is trying to say to him? Good grief, it still amazes me how full of himself he can really be. Thank god this shit is no longer my problem! I’m sure he’ll probably be sticking me with his half of the very few shared expenses we still have, but I never really count on his half anyway, and I know I’ll get by. Damn, I love the fact that I’m in charge of my own finances now! Not that I’m rolling in the dough or anything… sorry, momentary lapse into fantasy land where I’m filthy stinkin’ rich, but at least I know I can pay the bills, on time, every month, and not be constantly trying to rearrange one thing to cover another, while wondering just where the other will be coming from. Stability, gotta love it! Maybe he'll only be able to find work somewhere out of state and need to move far, far away... Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?? Either way, whatever ends up happening, I know I can count on one thing, it'll ALL be my fault! ;D