Well we're off! We get back late in the evening on Sunday July 2, so look for me to say howdy soon thereafter. TTFN!!
You may have noticed a few changes (duh!) and I just wanted to explain. I began feeling a bit vulnerable and I decided that I'd rather be safe than sorry, so I'm trying to be a bit more anonymous, hence the change in address, name and profile info availability. I'm going to remove the link that points to here from my original location before I leave tomorrow, but then I'll repost it when I get back for a little while longer just in case anyone missed it. After that, I'll delete the original altogether and this will be my new permanent home. Thanks to everyone for sticking with me through my paranoia, I really appreciate it!
Alright, he wrote me a very "Bub-like" email, which I won't be posting because I would then feel obligated to post my defeated and pathetic reply. And I just can't go there, not right now. As you can guess, I automatically reverted right back to our regular old song and dance, promptly checking my pride and dignity at the door. I apologized, (repeatedly) allowed us to be confined in his presence while he spewed his indignation upon me, stroked his ego, and desperately tried to make nice, like usual. To which Emily promptly commented, "same ol' daddy" as soon as we were afforded a blessed moments peace. Ugh, he was ridiculous, yet, even knowing how absurd he really is, it still affects me mentally and physically in much the same way, if not more. Perhaps I've become so accustomed to my new life free of this nonsense, that when it does occur, it's affects are now magnified. I dunno, but in some ways my physical symptoms can be likened to those of PTSD, and I can't help but wonder what remaining in that intolerable situation for so long has really done to my psyche? Or Em's for that matter. Anyway, I think I've smoothed it over, at least I hope so anyway. But he's still not happy, and simply won't be unless I actually change our plane reservations and return home a day earlier. But I'm not going to do that, and he's just gonna have to get over it. He'll file this incident away, of course, along with all the other colossal fuck ups that I've so conveniently been the cause of. And I guess I'll just have to get over that. Which I will, as this is nothing new, and I'm quite accustomed to having all of his past grievances thrown in my face whenever it suites him. After all, this is life in Bubba Land. I don't recommend visiting, the weather sucks and traffic's a bitch, hell, you may never find your way back out.
I'm in trouble... again. Shoulda known he was being far too agreeable and accommodating about our upcoming vacation plans. I originally told him that we would be gone from Wednesday to Wednesday, but that I was gonna try to get that following Thursday and Friday off as well so we could stay longer. Apparently I didn't specifically say that this would mean staying through the weekend as well, and he took it to mean that we would fly back on Friday. He insists I told him that we would be back Friday, so when I was updating him on our final plans today, well... let's just say he was not a happy camper. He's pissed cause now he won't get to see Em for two weekends, which somehow translates to him not seeing her for three weeks, and there's nothing he can do about it cause the plans are already made and he's just getting fucked again, like usual. Cause he can't trust me to make good decisions on my own and I just went and did what ever I wanted to like I always do and he's the one who always gets screwed because of it.
Em and I cleaned house Saturday, woohoo! It was long overdue and the clutter monster had thoroughly taken over. We made a list, which she immediately tried to take over in an effort to micro-manage everything, spouting off who would do what and in which order, as is her nature. So after I nipped that one in the bud, we got down to business and now everything is spic and span, well... close enough anyway! I'm not a meticulous housekeeper, (heh, now that's an understatement!) never have been, never will be, so my standards are not hard met. Anyway, the reason she so willingly helped out is because I made house cleaning a prerequisite to our spending the rest of the day at a local state park, swimming at the lake and basking in the blazing Arkansas sun. They have a beach area sectioned off at the lake for public swimming, which only costs $2.50 each per day. Sure beats the hell outta the ridiculously overpriced (and overcrowded) community pool that I still refuse to purchase a membership for. Plus, this swimming area has sand, and there ain't nuttin like digging your toes into the cool wet sand on a hot summer day (yes, I realize that summer doesn't officially begin until the 21st., but believe me, it's been summer here for a while now, ug!). So there we went, and proceeded to get completely water logged and pruned like little ol' ladies. Em got a little sunburned (note to self, must re-apply sunblock next time) and we both got sand in places where it has no business being, but other than that it was an awesome day! Which is exactly what I was going for considering this particular locale also happens to be the scene of one of Em and I's least favorite "Bub" incidents. I think I'll pass on going into all the gory details, so let's just say that this was the time that he took it upon himself to "teach" Em how to float, in his typical, relentless, unpleasable fashion. Thus her initial reaction of fear and slight panic at the news of our planned outing for the day. Immediately she started in with the questions, "Are you gonna make me try to float? Are you gonna try to teach me anything? What if I'm scared? What if I don't want to do something? What if I can't do something, are you gonna get mad at me?". I quickly reassured her that we were merely going there to swim and have fun and that she wouldn't be made to do anything she was uncomfortable with. Thankfully, she immediately brightened and began planning our funfilled day. There was only one small setback right after we entered the water where her insecurity and distrust took over for just a moment, but as soon as she realized that we were, indeed, just there to have fun, she relaxed and allowed herself to thoroughly enjoy the day. If you hadn't guessed, I've been earnestly trying to make up for some of the bad memories by going back to their origin and allowing her to re-experience them as they were meant to be in the first place. I know I can't erase the past, but I'm hopeful that I can at least rebuild her sense of security and show her that her future is whatever she makes of it. That she is not bound by these unpleasant memories, rather free to build brand new ones. Regardless, we had a wonderful time and she asked to go back (soon!), so if nothing else, at least we have progress.
Wow, almost a whole week has gone by without a post. I guess I forgot to mention the fact that school let out for the Summer this week, so as you can imagine, I've had considerably less "me" time lately. Em is with Bub right now, so I'm grasping the opportunity to catch up while I can. Hmmmm, where shall I even begin? It's weird, it's like I don't even know what to focus on anymore. My high drama is over now (well, for the most part anyway!) and I'm finding it difficult to get back to writing about every day life, much as I was looking forward to doing just that. Okay, let's see if I can wiggle my way back into some sort of normalcy here.