You must read this book!
If you've never read Tales From The Scale by Erin J. Shea, run, don't walk, to the nearest bookstore or library and pick it up today. What an honest, witty, insightful read about seven overweight or formally overweight women and their trials and tribulations in the world of weight loss. I laughed, cried, and completely related to aspects of each of their stories.
Well, we're leaving for our casino trip tomorrow. I'm completely unprepared, but I'll get there. It's funny too, because I usually start packing and getting ready for things like this way ahead of time, but this time I seem to be putting it off to the last minute. I'm worried about everything going smoothly. The drive there and back, the food temptations I'll likely face, if I'll be able to get in some gym time or not, the disruption from my regular schedule, drama, etc. I just want to have a fun, relaxed time, and possibly come back a little ahead which would make the whole thing sooooo worthwhile! I'd love to have some winnings that at least equal what we're spending on the trip, that would totally make my day! Just a little background here, I am one tight-ass, penny pinching, frugal chick, so saving a buck makes me happier than it probably has any right too. Oh well, keep your fingers crossed that I hit it big! I'll report the outcome when I get back.
I met a neighbor lady today. She came by to see then new kittens and said she will definitely take one or two of them, thank goodness! She reminds me a lot of me, I'm sure well over 300 lbs. and seemed quite self-conscious, but very friendly. She had her 3 month old baby in tow, now there's a cutie pie! Just covered in rolls, (she said he was 10 lb. 10 oz. at birth! Which is also similar to me, my Emmy was 9 lb. 6 oz.!) and had the prettiest complexion. I think children of interracial couples (mom is white, dad is black) are some of the most beautiful in the world. I ooohed and ahhhed and tickled his belly and told him he was gonna break some hearts when he grows up, and he just laughed and babbled. Ahh, so sweet, I love babies!
Well, I guess I actually need to get started on my to do list, sigh! We'll be back late Tuesday, so I'll report on Wednesday how I plan to spend all my enormous winnings!!